Tag / seal

Mini Baby Seal Fish Burgers Bento Box

Lunch doesn’t get any cuter than these Mini Baby Seal Fish Burgers. They’re easy to make, and almost too cute to eat!


Mini Baby Seal Fish Burgers Bento Box - Learn how easy it is to make these adorable baby seals for lunch! Easy, delicious, and almost too cute to eat, they make the perfect addition to any nautical themed bento box. | loveatfirstbento.com

Mini Baby Seal Fish Burgers Bento Box - Learn how easy it is to make these adorable baby seals for lunch! Easy, delicious, and almost too cute to eat, they make the perfect addition to any nautical themed bento box. | loveatfirstbento.com

Seals are definitely one of my all-time fave aquatic animals. Every time I see them at the zoo or aquarium, I have to be physically dragged away from the exhibit, lest I decide to camp out for the night. If you show me a picture of a baby seal, I will literally scream in agony over the sheer unbearable cuteness. If it’s a video, I’ll enter cardiac arrest. Because baby seals are precious, innocent little puffs of heaven on earth. Their very existence demands adoration.

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